Sunday, 9 October 2011

Can Barley Water Beat the Sting?

Drinking Barley water has long been used as a natural way to relieve cystitis. So what is the theory behind it and does it work?

Barley Water is an alkaline drink, hence drinking it will result in slightly alkaline urine. Alkaline urine provides a less than favourable environment for the infection to thrive, due to the fact that the bacteria prefer acidic conditions.  Furthermore the peeing knifes feeling  is thought to be because of acidic urine, which is neutralised by alkaline drinks, including Barley Water.

Drinking plenty of Barley water or any fluid is also beneficial for cystitis sufferes since maintaining a good flow of urine to flushes out bad bacteria,

Make some barley water: boil pearl barley for 20-30 minutes, allow to cool and add some honey and lemon.  Drink 3 cups/ day.  
 Half a glass each of barley gruel, mixed with buttermilk and the juice of half a lime, is an excellent diuretic. It is  taken twice daily.
Barley water, made by boiling 1 g of barley in 1 liter of water for 30 minutes, soothes symptoms when cooled, strained and sipped through the day.
Make up some home-made barley water by boiling up a cupful of barley in enough water to cover it. Add the rind of a lemon and simmer until the barley is soft. Strain off the barley, add some honey and sip slowly throughout the day.

Colloidal Silver - Cure Your Cystitis Or Just Turn You Blue!

In the book Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Phyllis Balch and James Balch, Colloidal silver is suggested as a natural cure for cystitis. 

Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic and as a result is thought to help cure cystitis naturally thorough its ability to destroy bacteria (the cause of most forms of cystitis). It is also thought to promote general healing in the body. We at Love relief from cystitis are not too sure about this as a natural solution for the cystitis problem, mainly due to the many side effects reported when taking the treatment - including the fact it turned the man in this video Blue!!!

If you have experience with Colloidal Silver helping your cystitis please comment below and let us know the pros and cons of this as a remedy!

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Kidney Beans for the Relief of Cystitis? Huh?!

Sounds bizarre, kidney beans for the relief of cystitis! Where are you putting those kidney beans?!

Well the reason many people in the know suggest kidney beans as something you should eat when trying to relief your symtoms of cystitis is that they are a natural diuretic.

This means that the consumption of kidney beans will cause you to urinate more helping to flush the cystitis infection from your system.

Actually having urine to pass when you feel the urge to go, also offers comfort as any cystitis sufferer will know.

So next time you have a cystitis attack switch the meat in your diet for kidney beans with some's yummy and better for your overall health too!!