Barley Water is an alkaline drink, hence drinking it will result in slightly alkaline urine. Alkaline urine provides a less than favourable environment for the infection to thrive, due to the fact that the bacteria prefer acidic conditions. Furthermore the peeing knifes feeling is thought to be because of acidic urine, which is neutralised by alkaline drinks, including Barley Water.
Drinking plenty of Barley water or any fluid is also beneficial for cystitis sufferes since maintaining a good flow of urine to flushes out bad bacteria,
Make some barley water: boil pearl barley for 20-30 minutes, allow to cool and add some honey and lemon. Drink 3 cups/ day.
Half a glass each of barley gruel, mixed with buttermilk and the juice of half a lime, is an excellent diuretic. It is taken twice daily.
Barley water, made by boiling 1 g of barley in 1 liter of water for 30 minutes, soothes symptoms when cooled, strained and sipped through the day.
Make up some home-made barley water by boiling up a cupful of barley in enough water to cover it. Add the rind of a lemon and simmer until the barley is soft. Strain off the barley, add some honey and sip slowly throughout the day.